Your powerful Heavenly Father, who knows you and
loves you completely has so many good things to say
to you and show you and wonderful gifts to give you.
Come join us and experience real encounters with
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and experience Him.
Come learn and pray with us as we begin to walk in
complete FREEDOM, JOY and AWE like never before!
Transforming Lives, Restoring Hope
Acts 2:39 “For the promise of the Holy Spirit is for you and your
children and for all who are far away, as many as the Lord our God calls to Himself.”
Vanessa counsels believers from the presence of God. In my time of knowing Vanessa, I’ve seen her demonstrate faith, empathy, encouragement, and skill as the Holy Spirit flows out of her to others. She helped me gain clarity in my business, city, and church efforts as I pursue God’s leading in my life. Her ability to hear God’s voice and share what she’s heard with others is life-giving.
George in Oregon
After a difficult emotional and physical two years that God walked me thru, God impressed upon me to reach out and be vulnerable receiving help from the body of Christ. It was uncomfortable for me at first just meeting Vanessa on line, but she quickly put me at ease. She is a powerful prayer warrior and taught me how to draw closer and hear from God. I have experienced deep physical and emotional healings and love walking in a new freedom, peace, and joy. I highly recommend Vanessa to anyone who needs the Lord to come and meet them with healing body and soul.
Carol in Oregon
After the teaching I was able to be more aware of his voice. It was a beautiful awakening and refreshment that motivated me to seek his voice, to be in his presence waiting and to openly let him speak. It was wonderful!
Alma in New York
Since starting counseling with Vanessa, I’ve experienced how gentle and loving Jesus is. I am unlearning things from my past and learning to love myself the way Jesus loves me. Vanessa radiates God’s joy and unconditional love, and it has been incredibly healing for me.